3009 New Ballas Rd, Ste 207B, Saint Louis , MO 63131

Opening Hours : Mon - Thurs 8:30am to 4:30pm Friday 8:30 - 1pm
  Contact : 314-996-4840 Fax: 314-996-4841


Al Elbendary, M.D.

Dr Al Elbendary is Board certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology and in Gynecologic Oncology. He has practiced in St Louis for over 18 years and has been recognized as one of St Louis’s “Top Doctors” for several years. With extensive surgical experience, Dr. Elbendary has personally performed over 5500 surgeries, including 3000 major surgeries.


Undergraduate School:
University of Chicago, Chicago IL BA with Honors 1985

Medical School:
Loyola University, Mauwood, IL MD. 1989

Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Chicago Hospitals. 1989-1993

Division of Gynecology Oncology Duke University, Durham NC 1993-1996

Clinical Faculty:
Duke University Dept OB/GYN 1994-1996
Washington University School of Medicine 1996-1999